The growing pace of urbanisation across the 中东 has put smart and sustainable district cooling firmly in the spotlight. Swedish companies that offer qualified expertise and knowledge in the field are primed for success as demand continues to soar.  

The energy drain that cooling has on each country is seen as a key motivation in the Gulf region for reducing the cost burden while also addressing environmental considerations. This trend has created a strong impetus for implementing new connected cooling systems.

Market investment is positive across the entire district cooling ecosystem, with projects from established stakeholders as well as government initiatives creating opportunities for Swedish companies. Knowledge and proven success will be key to help realise both economic and environmental goals.

District cooling markets in the Gulf region are largely mature but need support to evolve and meet the 可持续性 challenges to create smart cities that meet the needs of their urbanised populations. This report provides an overview of the business opportunities coupled with recommendations for how Swedish companies can support the region's development.


Sustainable and connected district energy is non-negotiable for cities of the future. 在欧洲, the district cooling sector is reacting to both environmental and regulatory changes to create and implement solutions that maximise energy use and minimise emissions.

What does the sector look today, and how is it changing to meet the demands of tomorrow?
